



Imagine a secure wireless transport solution for mission critical automation /SCADA that delivers a solid 2 Mbps. Now imagine this solution works for equipment installed in remote areas, very harsh environments, hazardous zones, and even under blocked non line of sight conditions. The Redline Connect series is the fastest, most reliable and versatile automation/SCADA transport solution available anywhere.

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Redline Product Brochure (PDF)


Available System


Connect-OW red-arrow


Rugged outdoor TCP/IP data radio for quick and simple deployment at sites with IP-ready SCADA and smart sensor devices.


Connect-OWS red-arrow


Optimized multi-protocol serial interface solution with in-cabinet serial-gateway kitted with the rugged outdoor Connect-OW TCP/IP data radio.


Connect-IWS red-arrow



All in-cabinet solution with a multi-protocol serial-gateway and TCP/IP data radio in a single compact enclosure. Simply specify the required external antenna type.